Migraines are not “ just a headache."

Anyone who has ever suffered from migraines knows that they are more than “just a headache.” The excruciating pain, the nausea, the vision distortions; it can be difficult to describe to someone who has never suffered from migraines just how truly debilitating they can be.

Furthermore, people with migraines tend to get them cyclically. This creates a doom loop of anxiety and anticipation waiting for the other “shoe to drop.” People have all sorts of triggers for migraine flair ups - hormonal, sound/vision sensitivity, smells, different types of foods. But no matter the trigger, the end result is the same. Missing work. Missing family moments. Missing feeling like yourself.

It all leads back to feeling exhausted, frustrated, and trapped in a cycle that seems inescapable.

But relief isn’t a dream - it can be a reality.

Here at South Shore Acupuncture and Wellness we have pioneered state of the art, non-pharmaceutical solutions to help break the cycle of migraines and ease the intensity of the pain and decrease the frequency of flair ups. For many of our patients, migraines can be controlled and we’re able to break the cycle of flair ups.

You don’t have to suffer alone. Give us a call to book an initial consultation and we can come up with a tailored treatment plan to your specific situation. We can get you back on track to reclaim your days, your body, and the freedom to feel your best.

The Astrology of Family Dynamics - Video Version

This video is part of an ongoing series of recorded lessons from my monthly meetup group.

The discussion of family dynamics is an area where having an interdisciplinary background like mine is really helpful. My acupuncture specialties of anxiety and trauma response has given me a lot of background and context for working on overcoming limiting family structures.

Each individual lives in a complex ecosystem of overlapping power structures. We have the society that we live in, which is a kaleidoscope of power dynamics made up of the country we are in, religious affiliations, ethnic and cultural expectations and obligations, and many other powerful structural forces. This doesn’t even get into power discrepancies of gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.

The family structure is an intimate union of the personal and the societal, where an individual’s ability to thrive can be enhanced, muffled, obliterated, or in most cases a particular balance of all of the above. Astrology is helpful in giving context to forces that are greater than oneself, as well as their emotional and spiritual implications. It can be helpful to look at family dynamics through a lens like astrology to see family karma as it plays out across generations and ultimately be able to overcome it. Or at the very least be able to respond to these forces and their influences in a conscious way.

Because of my work as an acupuncturist and a craniosacral therapist, I tend to work with people that have dysfunctional family dynamics. A lot of the work that I do is aimed at helping people release the trauma that is stored in their bodies in order to integrate those experiences and continue on a journey towards wholeness. Astrology of the family dynamics can be helpful as it can give context to suffering and painful past experiences.

I truly believe that embarking on the journey of interrupting family patterns of trauma is an act of great bravery and deep self-love. Prioritizing your needs and putting up boundaries with those that you love is difficult and can irrevocably alter the very ecosystem you are working to heal. Someone needs to be the one to break these cycles and those drawn to this type of work are usually those that have the awareness to see that change needs to happen and the inner bandwidth and resolve to take that first step.

If you would like to work on transforming your own family trauma, a great place to start is watching the above video. You can also book a reading with me where we can go over the specifics in your chart and the charts of those in your family.

Times available for readings are in EST. If you live in a time zone with a significant time difference, please email me to set something up: meghan@healingmeadowswellness.com

Mini Ecplise and the Importance of Showing Up

Well folks here we have it, our first of several Eclipses along the Sagittarius/Gemini axis that are going to occur over the next year and a half. Although this is a mini-eclipse and doesn’t have the raw power that will be seen in the upcoming eclipse on the Solstice this is still significant and will set the tone for what to expect over the next few years. There is a lot to break down in this chart.

Chart of the Mini Sag Eclipse.png

We have a retrograde Venus in Gemini still conjunct the Sun in Gemini, Opposed the Moon in Sagittarius. This is very tightly squared Mars in Pisces and loosely squared Neptune in Pisces. We have Mercury in Cancer Square Chiron in Aries and Mercury also Sextiling Uranus in Taurus. But what does all this all mean?

Venus in Retrograde often signifies old relationship patterns that come up to be re-examined. On a larger, more macro scale, this can be viewed as how we relate to each other in general. How do we as a society relate to each other. What are the dynamics that we have agreed upon that allow people to be treated certain ways. Venus in Retrograde asks us what we have consented too with our silence. She asks us if anything needs to change. In Gemini she forces us to confront Dualistic and Polarizing facts and data and doesn’t allow us to escape the conclusions we draw, even if they bring us to truths that are harsh and that we don’t want to see.

The protests that have been happening in retaliation to the murder of George Floyd are a sign that these patterns of relating to each other are in desperate need of change. This is a fact that black people have known for centuries, but that white people are finding harder and harder to ignore. Dualistic experiences, Polarizing Conclusions, all things in Gemini’s wheelhouse. Gemini is a social sign and we’ve been seeing the importance of social media in getting the truth out there. Without the ability to capture and upload police brutality, this issue would still be something that many could brush over. Furthermore main stream media isn’t reporting the extent to which police brutality has been used against protestors, but the videos people are taking is documenting these incidents and the ability to post them is making them available for all to see.

Moon in Sagittarius wants optimism and freedom. When carried away, this Lunar incarnation wants rose tinted glasses and can be a little Pollyanna-ish. During Full Moons the Sun and Moon are in an opposition, but this particular Sun in Gemini is still conjunct Venus. The Sun amplifies the message of those planets it conjuncts with and is amplifying the message that this Venus Retrograde wants to get across. Planets in oppositions have an innate tension. How do you rectify duality? How do you reach common ground with polarization? These are questions that the United States has been struggling with for some time now. This lunation brings these questions and problems to a heightened forefront. It will be difficult to sweep problems of racial tension under the rug with a “thoughts and prayers” or “everything will work out” when the multitude of evidence is this starkly contrasted.

It can seem like a hopeless endeavor, but don’t fear, as always the astrology of the moment offers us not only a landscape of the pain, but a pathway for solution. The Mars in Pisces Square these placements demands that we not just talk about what is going on, but that we follow through with action. We can intellectualize these issues and examine societal relations all we want, but without action none of these issues will change. Furthermore we have Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries. Mercury in Cancer gives voice to emotions. Chiron is about hurts and woundings that are deep and difficult to heal. This aspect between Mercury and Chiron asks us to lean into the wounding. Don’t try to numb it, but give voice to the pain and suffering that is going on around us. Only by experiencing the hurt will we be able to make it better. Emotions are raw and hurts will be heightened, but this rawness is what we need right now. Wounds neglected become infested and fester and the wounding of Slavery in the United States history has been neglected for a very long time.

The United States is going through its Pluto return. This is a big transit that will be talked about at length in a future blog post. But for now, all you need to know is that this is a big opportunity for change and transformation of our society. We have to lance the wounds of how this country was founded and what it did to build the United States Empire. This poison needs to be brought to the surface and let out. Without that necrosis sets in and demise is inevitable.

Mercury is also sextiling Uranus. Uranus gives Mercury flashes of insight and creative solutions. But sextiles are energies you need to choose to engage in. If you do the work and lean into the discomfort, your bravery will be rewarded. This Moon is capturing the big themes that are going on in the world and is speaking to the complexity of the moment. It’s a lot to deal with and Neptune’s presence just heightens everyone’s anxiety.

I wish I could give some uplifting and soothing balm that would help to make all this more palatable, but unfortunately racism has been made to be palatable for those unaffected for too long. It’s important for white people to be uncomfortable right now and be faced with the issues that they’ve always had the choice to ignore. White people can tune out and say I’ve had enough of this, but Black People in the United States don’t have that luxury. This type of brutal oppression is something they have to deal with every single day. This weekend and for the next 6 months as the effects of this Mini-Eclipse unfold, take the time really sit with and understand what it means to live in a fundamentally dualistic society. Even if you are not in a place to get to a protest, there are a lot of different ways that you can take action to support the momentum of change that is being demanded.

For more information and to find ways to take action and help please visit the following website:


Don't let the Flying Monkeys of Fear Get you Down.



When looking at the concept of Narcissistic family structures, I came across a concept called “Flying Monkeys.”  The Flying Monkey concept comes from the Wizard of Oz, where the Wicked witch uses the monkeys to carry out her bidding.  In the Narcissist family structure the flying monkey is the person who identifies with the Narcissist and carries out their whims and demand on other family members.  

The Flying Monkey is used to perpetuate their delusions and continue to control and manipulate you.  These people are generally unwittingly used because they believe the Narcissist’s fake persona, they are enablers.

Although not everyone is in contact, or has had their life shaped through personal abuse from a Narcissist, this concept of the Flying Monkey is applicable to what is going on in the world today.  Being on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter has become highly toxic.  People are angry and afraid.  Whenever I go on, I get the image of hundreds of Flying Monkeys just looking for someone to vent their frustration on.  They might not realize what they are doing, or they think that they are acting according to some higher good or truth.  

Most people aren’t coming from a place of truth and understanding, but are being controlled by their fear and therefore are looking to control or shame others.  

Astrologically we are in a time of great change and transition.  Pluto and Saturn had a conjunction in the the sign of Capricorn in January 2020.  Saturn and Mars are continuing their dance of restriction, frustration, and control through May.  We just had a Mercury retrograde through Pisces, which causes confusion, misinformation, and a miasmic haze.  


Any type of major structural shift comes with its fair share of anxiety and fear of the unknown and of what is to come next.  But it’s worth taking a moment to stop and reflect on how you are dealing with these feelings.  Are you at its whim and propagating fear and anxiety further?  Are you obsessively on social media and letting the fear infect you like a virus of the mind?  Are you venting anxiety and frustration onto those around you?  Are you hoarding resources at the expense of others?  

If you are stop and take a deep breath.  Each human being on the planet right now is the child of survivors of plagues and natural disasters that came before us.  It is in our DNA to be able to meet calamity head on and come out victorious.  Dorothy beat the Wicked Witch through kindness and fostering community.  That’s how we’re going to get through this as well.  As Saturn and Mars start to move into Aquarius, try and channel that forward looking, more humanitarian based way of thinking.  If you can’t meet in person, try and set up virtual hang outs.  Take a look inwards and reassess where you are in your life.  You have tons of time now to get to all those projects that have been marked for “someday.”  

Part of the amazing thing about astrology is understanding that everything, the good and the bad, is a passing transit.  Although it seems like the world is ending, it’s not.  This is a phase that will pass and we will move on to what comes next.  The way we handle each transit sets us up for the next chapter of our lives.  As we roll into Spring, think about what you’re planting right now.  Is it a toxic egg that will keep your garden barren?  Or Is it a seed that’s going to grow and bare fruit? We can’t control the world around us, but we can control our reaction.  It’s time to decide if we are just going to be another flying monkey, or if we are going to link arms with our friends (literally or virtually) and travel down this yellow brick road together.  


Please Don't Worry About Your Unshaven Legs

See my latest article in Herself 360!


Acupuncture is a hands-on profession. I see and touch a lot of bodies throughout the day. It’s kind of cool to see the diversity of all shapes, sizes, colors, and still find acupuncture points in the same place on each variation of human. It’s a great example of infinite diversity, but still, have a common thread that links all of us as human beings.

My practice is primarily made up of women. One thing that I hear a lot during treatment is an apology to me, from women for not having their legs shaved. To be clear, I treat women who shave, who don’t shave, who let it grow out during the winter, who wax, and who just aren’t that hairy to begin with. During treatment, the last thing I notice is if someone has shaved or not. I’m more concerned with poking around to find the correct acupuncture point or investigating whatever pathology they have come in with.

Men never apologize for having their legs unshaven. I know that this isn’t a fair comparison, because in our specific cultural time and place it is encouraged for women to be hairless and have an immaculate presentation. But I think it needs to be stated none the less. Men don’t apologize for their innate bodies and human-ness. But women are continually compelled too.

I don’t get annoyed, mad, or put out when a woman apologizes for not having her legs shaved – I feel slightly sad, because I understand that impulse. As women there is so much pressure to be “on” and to be perfect all day, every day. Personally, I feel extremely uncomfortable if I don’t leave the house with at least mascara on. I can use any justification I want – that it’s my war paint, that I feel better with makeup on. All of that can be true, but if I’m honest with myself, a big part of that is fear of being judged.

As humans, we don’t have much control over the vast forces that influence our lives. As women in particular, there is so much we have to fight through in order to just be taken seriously. Most women I know and work with (including myself) feel immense pressure to be perfect. When we can’t live up to these impossible expectations, we become increasingly controlling over little things like making sure that we are shaved. Even in a place that is supposed to be relaxing and for your healing benefit.

It might not seem like a big deal that someone apologizes for not having their legs shaved, but it is an expression of all of these larger macro factors. We need to continue to create non-judgmental spaces where women can make mistakes, be imperfect, and will not feel like the world is coming to an end. This is the atmosphere I continually strive to create in my office. A place where women can let their hair down, and unapologetically come with their unshaven legs.

Can Acupuncture Help with Fertility?


For many women the fertility journey can be long and arduous. What should be a happy occasion, turns sour. The longer it goes without a successful pregnancy, the more anxious, stressed, and upset you can become. Often times leading to growing tension with your partner, avoiding friends’ baby showers, and experiencing a growing sense of isolation.

Fortunately, acupuncture has a long history of helping women to conceive and families to grow. Acupuncture has a powerful effect on the reproductive system and the fertility process. Women can use Traditional Chinese Medicine alone, or can combine it with Western Medicine to regulate their hormones, improve your health, and increase their changes of a successful pregnancy.

There have been multiple studies that confirm the positive effect acupuncture has on fertility. Some of the positive effects of acupuncture on fertility are:

  • Regulating the menstrual cycle

  • Improving egg quality and uterine lining

  • Increase of blood flow to the uterus and ovaries

  • Reduce stress (an often unacknowledged fertility issue)

  • Improved sperm count and motility

  • Improve success from IVF

  • Decreased chances of miscarriage

If you’ve been trying to get pregnant and have been unsuccessful, give acupuncture a shot! Even with testing results such as high FSH/low AMH, irregular cycles, PCOS, or multiple miscarriages, acupuncture is still a great option. We will work together to figure out what is going on with your body and get you in a place to have your best chance at conception.

Reiki 1 Attunement Course February 29 2020

Sign Up Here!

So excited to offer my next Reiki 1 Attunement Course!

Reiki is one of the best intro forms of energy healing. You are channeling Divine Universal Energy and becoming a tool for that energy. So, in a sense you don’t have to “Do” anything. You just need to surrender and allow the energy to move through you. It’s a gentle, yet profound experience. I’ve been a Reiki practitioner for 12 years and still am constantly amazed by it’s impact on my life!

It’s true that you can find lots of Reiki attunement courses out there and that they will attune you to all 3 levels in one day. I fundamentally oppose this way of attunement. Historically Reiki was passed down from teacher to student. It was the responsibility of the teacher to be invested in each student’s future and ensure that they were fully grounded in fundamentals before moving on to more advanced techniques.

I am invested in the success of each of my students. In this course, not only will you become Reiki attuned, but you will learn a firm foundation that will allow you to grow in your energy healing practice. We will go over the fundamentals of energy maintenance and hygiene and by the time the course is over you will be confident in your ability to call the Reiki energy in and will be confident in yourself as a practitioner.

I want my students to look at this course as not only an introduction to Reiki, but as a general initiation to the energy healing world. Using my background as both a Reiki Master Teacher and Licensed Acupuncturist you will be introduced to systems of energy that you able to use for all of your practices going forward.

I hope to see you all there! Early Bird Special Pricing is available through the end of January 2020. Comment with any questions, and don’t forget to sign up here:
