Don't let the Flying Monkeys of Fear Get you Down.

When looking at the concept of Narcissistic family structures, I came across a concept called “Flying Monkeys.”  The Flying Monkey concept comes from the Wizard of Oz, where the Wicked witch uses the monkeys to carry out her bidding.  In the Narcissist family structure the flying monkey is the person who identifies with the Narcissist and carries out their whims and demand on other family members.  

The Flying Monkey is used to perpetuate their delusions and continue to control and manipulate you.  These people are generally unwittingly used because they believe the Narcissist’s fake persona, they are enablers.

Although not everyone is in contact, or has had their life shaped through personal abuse from a Narcissist, this concept of the Flying Monkey is applicable to what is going on in the world today.  Being on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter has become highly toxic.  People are angry and afraid.  Whenever I go on, I get the image of hundreds of Flying Monkeys just looking for someone to vent their frustration on.  They might not realize what they are doing, or they think that they are acting according to some higher good or truth.  

Most people aren’t coming from a place of truth and understanding, but are being controlled by their fear and therefore are looking to control or shame others.  

Astrologically we are in a time of great change and transition.  Pluto and Saturn had a conjunction in the the sign of Capricorn in January 2020.  Saturn and Mars are continuing their dance of restriction, frustration, and control through May.  We just had a Mercury retrograde through Pisces, which causes confusion, misinformation, and a miasmic haze.  


Any type of major structural shift comes with its fair share of anxiety and fear of the unknown and of what is to come next.  But it’s worth taking a moment to stop and reflect on how you are dealing with these feelings.  Are you at its whim and propagating fear and anxiety further?  Are you obsessively on social media and letting the fear infect you like a virus of the mind?  Are you venting anxiety and frustration onto those around you?  Are you hoarding resources at the expense of others?  

If you are stop and take a deep breath.  Each human being on the planet right now is the child of survivors of plagues and natural disasters that came before us.  It is in our DNA to be able to meet calamity head on and come out victorious.  Dorothy beat the Wicked Witch through kindness and fostering community.  That’s how we’re going to get through this as well.  As Saturn and Mars start to move into Aquarius, try and channel that forward looking, more humanitarian based way of thinking.  If you can’t meet in person, try and set up virtual hang outs.  Take a look inwards and reassess where you are in your life.  You have tons of time now to get to all those projects that have been marked for “someday.”  

Part of the amazing thing about astrology is understanding that everything, the good and the bad, is a passing transit.  Although it seems like the world is ending, it’s not.  This is a phase that will pass and we will move on to what comes next.  The way we handle each transit sets us up for the next chapter of our lives.  As we roll into Spring, think about what you’re planting right now.  Is it a toxic egg that will keep your garden barren?  Or Is it a seed that’s going to grow and bare fruit? We can’t control the world around us, but we can control our reaction.  It’s time to decide if we are just going to be another flying monkey, or if we are going to link arms with our friends (literally or virtually) and travel down this yellow brick road together.  
