What is Reiki?

The Usui System of Reiki Healing is an ancient healing art that was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900s.  Reiki can be translated to mean Universal Life Energy.  The Usui system of Reiki allows us to act as a channel for this healing and life-sustaining energy. A hands on process, Reiki brings the body back into a state of balance, restores emotional harmony, and allows reconnection with spirit. 


What is Metatronia Therapy?

Metatronia Therapy is an energy healing modality using sacred geometry codings and universal healing frequencies to bring about transformational and profound change. MT creates healing on a foundational level, removing blocks and allowing for great integration with Universal energies.


Is this the right service for me?

Both Reiki and Metatronia Therapy are gentle energetic healing modalities that can be used on anyone. These services are wonderful options for those that are looking to integrate their Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, and Physical selves. These subtle energetics are great for those that are more sensitive and benefit more from “fine-tuning” than forceful removal of blockages. These services can be added to any treatment.